ICJudaism: A Teacher’s Guide to Judaism
Hosted by ICTeachers Formerly: Mike’s Rough Guide to Judaism
The contents of these pages represent the author’s personal views, experience and
There are bound to be some things here that some Jews would disagree
Resources and Downloads
Useful Websites
Tracey Rich's Judaism 101. Probably my favourite site about Judaism, it is well organised
with a good depth of clearly explained information about Jewish thought and practice.
Aimed mainly at Jews who want to know more, it is also a great resource for non-
Another useful site is that of the Chabad-
BBC Religions: Judaism has clear simple explanations. This is a useful site for pupils.
Judaism: Rabbi Scheinerman’s Web Page: although aimed primarily at a Jewish audience,
the information is clear, comprehensive and potentially useful to teachers. Quite
a lot of it could also be very useful to pupils -
The Jewish Education Bureau: Based in Leeds, the JEB can provide artefacts, lectures, talks and walking tours, a programme of visits to schools nationwide (both primary and secondary) and experiential weekends for teachers and other adults.
A visit to a synagogue is a great way to get a brief “inside view” of Judaism. Some
synagogues have volunteers who will host visitors, such as classes of school children
and explain the features of a synagogue and what happens there. In some Local Authority
areas the SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education -
If you are unable to take your pupils to visit a synagogue you might find a virtual visit useful. There are several “virtual synagogues on the internet, here are links to a couple of them:
Useful Books
Judaism An Introduction by CM Hoffman in the Teach Yourself series from Hodder. An
excellent, comprehensive book, both learned and straightforwardly written, intended
primarily to provide an introduction for non-
Judaism GCSE Religious Studies -
A zip archive containing 18 worksheets / pupil information sheets, several with teachers’ notes. There is also an index and summary file. (Updated and corrected February 2021)